Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Puhlamalu / Menah Menah Phenomenon

Walk down the street in Pittsburgh and as you pass by your neighbor, quietly, under your breath murmur "Puhl-a-ma-lu," and chances are that person will be singing Puhlamalu for at least the next hour.

Search for Troy Polamalu on ebay.

Puhlamulu (The Troy Polamalu Steeler song by Mr. Devious) is based on the famous Muppets version of the song "Menah Menah." The high esteem people of a certain age that causes them to occasionally break out into a chorus was used by Dr. Pepper to launch Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper in 2005. The commercial was listed by as the #1 best ad music of 2005.

The Muppets version has a more interesting history. According to this site by Peter McLennan, Piero Umiliani wrote Mahna Mahna in 1968 for a Swedish pornographic film, and that maniacal genius Jim Henson new exactly where it came from.

Search for the muppets on ebay.

You can own your very own version of Menah Menah by purchasing Muppet Show: Music, Mayhem and More! The 25th Anniversary Collection.

Planning to see the Steelers in 2006? Visit Here We Go Info for Steeler Ticket and Travel Information.


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