Thursday, September 15, 2005

Transformation of "Stink Creek" - Nine Mile Run

"One of America's Great Newspapers" has an article on the completion of the 1st phase of the Nine Mile Run restoration project. Frick Park is really the home course for my running, the trails and playgrounds are our family's backyard, and of course its trails make up a lot of the course and the finish-line for the Run Around The Square. There has been a lot going on in the park over the last 3 years, and a few dicey moments when funding was in doubt, but the "restored" areas are beautiful.

Today's article does not appear to have made it on-line yet, but you can follow this link to read Marylynne Pitz's 9/27/2001 article describing the project in it's beginning stages.

Here is a link to the Nine Mile Run project's website.


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