Saturday, August 13, 2005

Outnumbered 2 to 1

Today was the annual neighborhood blockparty for our deadend block in Regent Square. As usual, it was on the hottest, most stifling day of the year, but with a great and interesting bunch of people, it was still a great time. Suddenly, it seems children outnumber adults 2 to 1.

The party changed venues this year to a set of connected backyards at the top of the street. When our children were turning one, we had a birthday party there and the kids couldn't walk, couldn't talk, and barely interacted.

Now 4 years later, we've mostly all got more kids and more have moved into the neighborhood. They all can run around and play together -- water balloons, swings, sprinklers, baseball. There are lots of boys and girls, and who knows probably more on the way. Cookies and cupcakes go fast, as does lemonade (both regular and Mike's Hard for the big kids), and we all do a pretty good job drinking the cold beer too.


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